The force is strong with this one: An R2-D2 figurine you control with a matching watch

An R2-D2 figurine you control with a matching watch

Hello my far away galaxy friend. We meet at last…

Charge forth with light sabers, wookies and storm troopers and be sure to banish all non-Star Wars loving creatures from your area on Planet Earth, for we are about to sound like R2-D2 to them as we pivot ourselves into galactic history.

Ahhh… R2-D2, only the most beloved android there is, and no we are not talking about phones here people! We are talking about the human cyborg C3PO’s best matched counterpart R2-D2. The resourceful and spunky droid, though only able to communicate through beeping sounds easily became a much loved astromech droid during his many years in operation.

He served many purposes as inside of his cylindrical frame were many arms, sensors, and other tools that could be extended to fulfill various needs, such as slicing computers, extinguishing fires, projecting holograms, repairing starships, and flying (Wow that’s a mouthful). Our R2-D2 would walk on two legs and use a third to roll across the floor.

Now you can roll up your sleeves and add him as an accessory. The R2-D2 watch not only looks out of this world, it also acts as a remote control to a teeny tiny R2-D2 figurine. Using the watch you are able to have your favorite android come alive with what will look to others like magic. You can also carry this little galactical guy around with you by attaching him easily to your keychain.

Bring the force to work or entertain the kids, either way your geek radar will level up and that is a good thing, and just in case anyone disagrees with you just tell them to go “Beep Boop Doop.”

via: ThinkGeek

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Erin Ryan
Erin Ryan
Erin Ryan is a writer for various Social Media & Tech blogs and currently works as the Director of Social Media for the Internet Marketing Company, Wikimotive. Erin has a keen understanding of the power of Social Media for business and fervently stays up-to-date. Creator and head editor of Socialeyezer She enjoys finding the latest in social media, tech and geek culture. Erin often expresses her thoughts and opinions on TheErinRyan. Connect through Erin Ryan's Profile .


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