Sal McCloskey Sal McCloskey is a tech blogger in Los Angeles who (sadly) falls into the stereotype associated with nerds. Yes, he's a Star Trek fan and writes about it on Uberly. His glasses are thick and his allergies are thicker. Despite all that, he's (somehow) married to a beautiful woman and has 4 kids. Find him on Twitter or Facebook,

Netflix wants to pay someone to sit down and watch Netflix all day

1 min read

Is your life goal to basically do nothing? Do you sit around and pass the time by sitting on the couch? Maybe every now and then you see what’s on Netflix while you shovel Doritos down your throat. Do that, only get paid for it. Netflix recently posted a job listing in the UK looking for a “tagger,” which is basically someone who sits around and watches movies and TV. The official responsibility of a “tagger” is to watch and analyze films and TV streaming on Netflix. Doesn’t sound much different from what you do on a typical day, right? You qualify. You actually don’t need to be located in the UK to be considered; the listing says you can work remotely.

Ploughing through your new favourite series on Netflix is something you probably enjoy doing after a working day, but what if it was your working day? You see, Netflix has a fancy recommendation engine that suggests movies and shows you might like based on your prior viewing habits. To do that successfully, it needs information from a special group of humans that goes beyond the basics like genre and user rating. “Taggers,” as they’re known, analyse Netflix content and feed the recommendation engine with more specific descriptors if, for example, a film is set in space or a cult classic. In short, these people get paid to watch TV all day, and Netflix is currently hiring a new tagger in the UK. There’s obviously a little more to the job than binge-watching House of Cards, but will perks like working from home, flexible hours and a free Netflix subscription, you’d be mad not to throw your hat into the ring.

Avatar of Sal McCloskey
Sal McCloskey Sal McCloskey is a tech blogger in Los Angeles who (sadly) falls into the stereotype associated with nerds. Yes, he's a Star Trek fan and writes about it on Uberly. His glasses are thick and his allergies are thicker. Despite all that, he's (somehow) married to a beautiful woman and has 4 kids. Find him on Twitter or Facebook,

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