Leave it to KFC to create a way to use your gadgets with greasy hands

Unless you have copious amounts of napkins and the patience to use them every few seconds, then eating greasy fast food and playing on your smartphone or tablet are two things that can’t be done simultaneously. Or can they? Some KFC restaurants in Germany have started a limited trial run of food trays that come with built-in keyboards that connect to your device over Bluetooth, thus allowing you to continue using the device without getting grease on it. 

File this one firmly under the “I never thought I wanted or needed this until I saw it” category. Germany KFC restaurants have started a limited trial run of new food trays. Big deal, right? Who cares about a food tray that you’re only going to be using for 20 minutes while you stuff your face with food? Except these food trays have Bluetooth keyboards built inside. The keyboards are thin enough to fit under the microfilm slit such as an advertisement would. You pair it with your smartphone or tablet, and continue typing away or doing whatever it is you need to do on your phone or tablet, all the while avoiding a greasy, disgusting mess on the display. What’s not to love? Open letter to all fast food establishments: copy this idea, and put it into all of your food trays as standard. It might be expensive, but the coolness and convenience factors will more than make up for that.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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