Google has a robot dedicated solely to testing out smartphone lag

Lag is definitely one of Android’s biggest weaknesses, which is why Google has been working to improve the operating system as much as possible. One way the company does this is with a special Finnish-made robot that exists solely to test individual smartphones for lag.

One of the criticisms levelled at Android is how the operating system lags and pauses between our finger touching the screen and the device responding. Our eyes and mind are very attuned to how responsive the world is. Almost everything we touch has a texture, pressure and usually an immediate response. Our touchscreen devices are a little different for these currently have the same texture and pressure, but the response can differ. Even a small amount of hesitation between touching the screen and the device behaving as we want can feel uncomfortable for the user. Individual’s tolerances to this lag varies, but many of us are annoyed when our device does not appear to be responding to our inputs, so we try again and it does the same thing twice!

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