wtf japan

The iPhone 4’s Delay Was Caused by… Paint

The Woz has let fly a rumour that the iPhone 4's delay is, in fact, due to the paint, of...
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Some people just don't like Twitter - and can they be blamed? An ever-shifting sand of mostly-idle information, a Twitter...
Not content to robotically emulate any and all members of the animal kingdom, humanity has turned to another branch of...
The concept of flavour just got turned on its ear as engineering students in Japan have developed TagCandy, a device...
Talk about hitting an untapped market. First, a question for the male readers: have you ever been in a restroom,... Alright, before you read too far into that headline, let me immediately reassure you that we're not talking about that... Am I the only one who finds this terrifying? Like, sure, it's not quite as immediately scary as Boston Dynamics'...
Yeah, so, uh... it may please you to know that Sony has just released an HDTV with a built-in PlayStation...
A new survey conducted by Japanese ad agency Dentsu has revealed the 'hit recognized products' in Japan for 2010. And...
No one can ever say Sharp didn't make unique phones. Actually, 'unique' may be a bit of an understatement in...