
Is natural gas safe enough to help solve energy problems

Natural Gas

Natural Gas

Energy is in high demand and the there are problems with every method of acquiring it. Most believe that oil is not the answer. Coal poses environmental problems. Nuclear has demonstrated potential for danger. Clean energy such as hydro, wind, and solar pose cost concerns. Many have pointed to natural gas as the middle ground, the compromise between clean and “dirty” energy sources that may be the direction to take.

Is it safe enough?

This graphic by our friends at 1bog asks the question and attempts to answer it.

Note: 1bog clearly supports solar as the solution, so their views are biased, but the facts associated with natural gas do tend to point to the same conclusions that they make. Is it the answer?

Click to enlarge.

Dangers of Natural Gas

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Written by Rocco Penn

A tech blogger, social media analyst, and general promoter of all things positive in the world. "Bring it. I'm ready." Find me on Media Caffeine, Twitter, and Facebook.

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