The recent events in Egypt have, among other things, been inspiring, terrifying and remarkable.
But though the political situation is obviously the story here, this hasn’t stopped many from commenting on the role the internet and social media have played.
Of course, we also know that Egypt very successfully – and very scarily – almost shut down their entire internet.
The response from commentators around the web has been predictable: that censorship and repression are wrong and that no country should ever engage in such practices. It has been accompanied by calls for international companies to resist such repressive governments.
But neither option will ever stand up to the realities of our modern world. No, the dream of a web committed to openness and democracy is one we must reconsider. And worse, we may not be able to fix what’s wrong.
But here’s the problem: at moments of historical change, neither of those things is a guarantee for keeping the web open and free.
First, countries always act in their own interests. When push comes to shove, any state will work to protect what it must to ensure its power and its survival.
The most recent example of this is the American government’s moves to shut down the spread of information from Wikileaks, whether cracking down on dissident hackers or pushing companies to give up information on its users.
The point is that when an event or happening actually threatens the state, the state revokes democratic ideals and replaces them with authoritarian ones. Every country – even those famed for democracy – have these ideals, whether the Patriot Act in the US, the Emergency Powers Act in the UK or the War Measures Act in Canada. A free and open web is only a legal right when things are okay. But true moments of historical upheaval always challenge law and existing structure; it’s just how it goes. And when things get messy, those in power, both political and corporate, will work to preserve their own.
Secondly, corporations can’t be trusted to maintain a free web because a corporation is a legal entity: it has to abide by the law. There is no guarantee the companies that dominate the web won’t be made to shut off parts of their services because they must work within a specific legal structure. Can you imagine Google or Apple or Facebook saying to the US government “no, I’m sorry, we are not going to comply with your legal request to give up information?”. It’s inconceivable, right?
At the end of the day, the web is only free when it works as envisioned by those who lord over it. But if the web as a technology is a truly revolutionary development – one that is more about empowerment than streaming media – then it will inevitably cause or contribute to political upheaval. And at that point, you have a clash: between a technology that spreads information, and people in power who need to prevent that spread of data to stay in power.
Egypt: Why the Web is Broken (And Why We Can’t Fix it)

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