
NDCAC: The scariest thing the FBI has done since before 9/11

The words "National Domestic Communications Assistance Center" sound harmless enough. It could be a call center for a tech...

Patent wars: The convoluted battlefield of tech IP

Patents shift hands almost as often as companies change their lunch menus. Mobile, software, and hardware patents are of...

Little Monsters: The social network

She already dominated the pop world, but now with over 51 million fans on Facebook and 24 million Twitter...

Which kind of geek are you?

There was a time not too long ago when being called a "geek" was considered derogatory. People avoided geekiness...

Schools begin preparing the next generation of app developers

Google’s Android system for smartphones and devices quickly outpaced anyone’s expectations within its few years of operation, at least...

It’s one giant “Leap Motion” for mankind as company unveils gesture-control with 200x accuracy

Play Angry Birds with chop sticks. Browse web pages without a mouse or touchscreen. Sign a document within 1...

Uberconference has a heritage of “voice” behind it

If you're going to build a startup, you have a better chance of success if you have a proven...

Microsoft gets social with

Microsoft is throwing its hat into the niche-social arena by going after students in a bold and likely-futile move...

Facebook is better than McGruff

“Take a Bit Out of Crime” is a phrase that was often uttered by McGruff the Crime Dog, a...