Tech-savvy people use social profile as a visual online business card. There, you are able to neutralize all of what you do elsewhere to be added within one location while they get to know you a little better. Last year, we were able to add our Instagram photos to become the background image to our profiles and now Facebook is furthering its integration with your profile and it’s beyond a Facebook acquired site, it is actually on Facebook’s platform.
You are now able to opt in sharing your profile on Facebook by connecting it to your Facebook Timeline. As you decide how much information you want shared, allowing you to have complete control. You will be able to show off when you change your background image, get added to a directory or even compliment another person’s profile from Facebook.
Not only can you add the images from your Instagram pile of images but you can now add photos from your Facebook profile. Allowing you to choose from all your memories and great photography skills to make your profile warmer and more social with that added personal touch.You are able to connect your profile to Facebook through your account settings on not Facebook. There, you will see all the updated abilities that now further your profile amongst the most popular social network site which will help you network and connect even more with others that share the same interest as you or looking for someone just like you to friend, converse and even gain possible job offers as is well known for providing this form of connecting through their platform already. This is sure to grow now that it has integrated further with Facebook.