A look into the future with this Bionic Eye for the blind

I guess we all should of seen this one coming. Ten years in the making, researchers at Bionic Vision Australia have developed an early prototype that when surgically inserted into your eye, will allow the user to see real-world applications.

Its funny that I refer to the “human” who receives the surgery as a user. This is one step close to robots taking over the world, but at the same time I believe this is a much need invention and definitely will be a historic and breakthrough invention for years to come.

I couldn’t imagine a world without vision.

The Australian government has already invested close to 40 million dollars into this developing technology and it is still years away from being fully complete.

The researchers aren’t saying that it will bring back the user’s vision completely but what it will do is allow them to see images recreated from light.

Source: DVICE

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Jay Perry
Jay Perry
Photographer and video game junkie from Canada.


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