Pornhub wants virtual reality porn to be accessible to everyone

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Pornhub is at the forefront of technological advancement, but the website is definitely quick to embrace emerging technologies. It released an amusing YouTube video on Tuesday, in which it announced that it’s partnering with BaDoink to make free virtual reality porn accessible to anyone with a virtual reality headset, which includes Google Carboard headsets. What’s more, the website is giving away 10,000 pairs of Google Cardboard headsets to give its new virtual reality section an injection of users. What a time to be alive!

Have you ever wanted to try porn in virtual reality? Secretly, we all have, and Pornhub just made it insanely easy. The world’s biggest adult site partnered with established VR porn store BaDoink to offer free 360-degree content. It is obviously NFSW. If you’ve never tried VR porn, let me tell you: It is a weird, wild ride. I tested out the new site using both iOS and Android setups and a couple different headsets. The video I saw was not exactly virtual reality as the footage wasn’t entirely 3D. Pornhub does say that the new channel will have lots of full 360-degree content, so you really feel like you’re in some San Bernardino McMansion having sex with a stranger. Feel might be the wrong word. It certainly looks like you’re there, though the resolution on the demo video that I saw was blurry at best. At worst, the perspective seemed a little skewed, such that at times, the female actress looked like a giant. Not my thing, but I’m sure somebody in this twisted world would love to fuck a 50-foot-tall woman. It’s also worth pointing out that the demo only offered the man’s perspective, so I hope the final library is less gender normative.

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