Having already become the world’s third-largest smartphone maker, several reports have indicated that Huawei will be joining fellow Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi in releasing its first laptop this year. However, whereas Xiaomi is said to be working on a traditional laptop like the MacBook, a recent report out of China claims that Huawei’s first laptop will be a hybrid device like Microsoft’s popular Surface line. The report also claims that the device will be capable of dual-booting Android and Windows 10, which further indicates that it’ll be a laptop/tablet hybrid.
Huawei, one of the biggest device manufacturer from China is again in the news. The company is reportedly working on a hybrid laptop PC that runs on both Android and Windows platform. More manufacturers are focusing on devices capable of booting Dual OS like Windows and Android, and when it comes to Huawei, the brand believes in taking things a step further. Huawei is reported to be working on a hybrid laptop PC which means that it can be used as a tablet and with a detachable keyboard, it can be used as a standard laptop as well. But the best is yet to come. It has also been reported that this hybrid PC will feature dual OS capabilities which mean that a user can use both Android OS with EMUI and Windows 10 as well. Under the hood, the device will feature an Intel chipset. So, unlike Xiaomi who is expected to release a traditional laptop, it looks like Huawei is eyeing the 2-in-1 market, to go head to head with Microsoft’s Surface lineup.