Apparently, Apple boss Steve Jobs now claims his company owns the trademark on the word ‘Pad’.
This news follows Apple’s move last week to demand app developer Chris Ostmo remove the word ‘Pad’ from the name of his two products, journalPad and journalPad Bible Edition.
Ostmo received a terse email from the App Store team telling him to make these changes. The upset developer then wrote a personal plea to Jobs asking for clarification as to the policy, particularly as so many developers had originally shoved a ‘Pad’ suffix into their App names in advance of the iPad launch…he didn’t get an understanding answer from Apple’s CEO.
“It’s just common sense not to use another company’s trademarks in your app name,” said Jobs.
The developer promptly changed the App name – you’ll find it listed now as JournalPro.
We can’t believe Apple owns the trademark for the word ‘Pad’. Certainly it isn’t listed on Apple’s trademark terms page, and we’re not convinced it would be enforceable, given its use is common across the English language.
However, in terms of the App Store Apple has the ability to pull an app just because it feels like it.
Via: 9to5Mac
I wonder if they own the letter i too lol….how come webster cant sue Apple for that?