Pinterest “Pins” are worth more to retailers than Facebook “Likes”

More retailers are deploying a Pinterest ‘Pin It’ button on their product pages than the equivalent Facebook ‘Like’ button, according to new stats. Social analytics firm 8thBridge kept an eye on 872 shopping portals between July and November 2013 and found 62 per cent of sites slapped a ‘Pin It’ button on their sites.

One of the latest social media studies to hit the headlines suggests that online retailers prefer to use the Pinterest ‘Pin It’ button on their goods rather than the old faithful Facebook ‘Like’. 8thBridge is a social analytics firm which monitored nearly 900 shopping portals between July and November 2013, finding that 62 percent used the Pinterest button and only 59 percent employed the Facebook equivalent. Twitter made an appearance on a respectable 61 percent of sites with its ‘Tweet’ button, while the ’1+’ badges of Google+ were in fourth place with 42 percent coverage.


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