On Twitter, we like to spew vitriol

The opinions that we express in the real world are often not congruent with what we post on Twitter according to a report from Pew Research. Just because something is loved or hated on Twitter doesn’t mean that the real world feels the same way.

Sometimes, the Twitter reality is opposite of real world reality.

In politics, social media is left leaning, but both sides come out strong when there are complaints to be Tweeted.

According to Pew:

At times the Twitter conversation is more liberal than survey responses, while at other times it is more conservative. Often it is the overall negativity that stands out. Much of the difference may have to do with both the narrow sliver of the public represented on Twitter as well as who among that slice chose to take part in any one conversation.

Here’s how things play out when the conversation turns political on Twitter:

Twitter Politics

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Lorie Wimble
Lorie Wimble
Lorie is the "Liberal Voice" of Conservative Haven, a political blog, and has 2 astounding children.


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