
Pinterest best practices for business

Pinterest for Business

Pinterest for Business

Pinterest has grown tremendously. In December of 2011 it had 7 million users. Just a year later, there are over 20 million monthly active users. It is the third most popular social network following Facebook and Twitter. Even more interesting, it refers more traffic than Google +, LinkedIn, Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube.  Get the most out of your Pinterest today!


Is your Pinterest optimized?

Use top Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords in your “About” section. Search engines index this page. You have 200 characters to communicate who you are and what you can do for your audience.


Are you verified?

Verification makes your website URL more visible on your Pinterest page by creating a clickable link and placing a bright red check mark beside it. This boosts engagement, SEO, and traffic to your site. Get verified and create an opportunity to attract your Pinterest visitors to your website. Your website can then do its’ job of converting the right visitors into consumers or customers.


How many boards should I have?

Aim for a minimum of 24 boards with at least 8-10 pins in each board to make them worth following. Create value for your visitors. Highlight the lifestyle around your brand by using many theme-focused boards. Catchy titles are great at drawing attention. Using keywords in board titles will help make the board more searchable in Pinterest. This expands your reach and makes you more attractive.


Where are your most popular pins?

Place boards that you want to be seen the most at the top and center of the page. A Mashable eye tracking study shows that “unlike on Facebook, when people browse your Pinterest page their eyes move from the top down the middle of the page.” The top two rows should feature the most popular and relevant content. Be sure to make your best pin the board cover.


Should I create boards outside of my industry?

Attract a wider audience by having a few boards that focus on non-industry subjects, like the popular Pinterest niches; Travel, Food, Education, or Home. This is also an opportunity to showcase other aspects of your brand and personality. Special themed boards for a holiday or trending topic can also be advantageous. Remember to move trend boards around as necessary throughout the year. Pinners who would not have found you normally, can discover you.


Should I pin other people’s content?

Yes! Zealous self-promotion is frowned upon on Pinterest. Go beyond and seek to become a destination for your followers by sharing and curating the content of others. Be relevant and create value. Let others help tell your story.


Are you being social?

Pinterest is a social community. Remember to interact and engage with others. Repin, follow, like, and comment on other people’s pins. These interactions will generate greater interest in your own content, build relationships, and increase your following. Being social is the name of the game.

Include Pinterest in your business’ social media strategy to drive increased traffic to your website.

What do you think?

Avatar of Michio Hasai

Written by Michio Hasai

Michio Hasai is a social strategist and car guy. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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