Through the Generations: How the Web is Being Used

How the Web is Being Used

Most of us spend a great deal of time on the Internet. It has become the most prevalent activity during our waking hours for millions. When you look closely at the statistics, most fall in line with our expectations (likely due to the information we’ve seen somewhere before on the Internet regarding the subject), but some things may be surprising.

Did you know that 1% of people who do not use the Internet say they don’t because they are scared of catching a virus?

This graphic by our friends at SiteJabber lines out many of these statistics for us. It’s an interesting look into the mass-mind that has turned the Internet into the life-integrated mammoth that it is today. Click to enlarge.


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Connor Livingston
Connor Livingston
Connor Livingston is a tech blogger who will be launching his own site soon, Lythyum. He lives in Oceanside, California, and has never surfed in his life.


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